About the Allies Network
Church leaders aren't getting the balanced training they need.
We believe every pastor deserves the opportunity to experience health in all areas of life. So we created an online community, partnering with several high-caliber organizations, that each specializes in 1 of the 8 areas of wellness. This way leaders know they are receiving expert-level training to be more effective in their ministries.
As a pastor, people in your community look to you in times of crisis. As you carry the burdens of others, it is important not to neglect yourself. Your ability to lead and shepherd well depends on your own well-being. We have identified 8 interconnected areas of health a pastor needs for sustainable ministry.
In speaking with hundreds of pastors around the country, we’ve learned that when pastors say they are healthy, they usually are thinking of just a couple of these categories. It is rare to find someone who is truly healthy in all 8 at the same time.
The dangerous part is that if you are unhealthy in even just one aspect of your life, it will impact your ability to minister as a whole.
That’s why G6 has created the Allies Network, an online training community led by a collection of church leaders with expertise in each of the 8 areas of wellness. As a member of the Allies Network, you will have access to high-quality content designed to help keep you healthy in every aspect so you can be an example of authentic, healthy leadership.